No love for Washing Machine Emulator?
On launch 2042 was complete crap but I had some fun with it two years ago. I particularly liked being able to swap out my weapon attachments on the fly.
I absolutely loved the modern day story. I was so very invested and it still smarts a bit that they lost interest in doing it justice.
Manchester United: 3
Ye gods, 18 years, 4 months for mine. You'd hope that they'd just automatically stop asking if I'm old enough to view store pages, right?
I'm tickled that the code hasn't been digitised and the scans are only just barely high enough resolution to make out the text.
I remember it dawning on me and making me grin. "Is that, oh it so is!"
I played through 1 - 4 and honestly, I think 4 was the only one that was actively good. The others might once have been fun, but they didn't really hold up. However I had a great time with 4. I particularly liked the epilogue.
Ye gods, that's bloody hideous. Throw a CRT filter over that, at the very least!
That's a lot more like it! Thanks for sharing.
"We found several tapes with lost Doctor Who episodes in an old Nintendo office!"
The greatest single-playthrough game would be a fun category. I think my picks for that might be What Remains of Edith Finch, Gone Home, Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars, or Grim Fandango. Fire Watch would probably get an honourable mention.
A "pinacle of a (mostly) defunct genre" category might be a good one too. I would argue that Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is the best isometric RTS games ever made.