I wish there was something nice like that too.
In the server world that would usually involve doing something like sending the journal data to Elasticsearch using an Elasticsearch integration. But that involves setting up an Elasticsearch server and Kibana and so on which is very unwieldy for a desktop computer. It does work pretty well though in terms of filtering. But it also stores the data internally in indexes to speed up search.
Of course journald has a seemingly simple C API but writing code is a lot of work. There are probably API bindings for various languages.
Most of the lowercase abbreviations are just the names of device drivers or platforms. VK is just Vulkan, GL is OpenGL, ARB is "Architecture Review Board" as its sort of a preview or extension feature I think. EXT presumably for extension. KHR is Khronos, the organization that creates the Vulkan and OpenGL standards, and the acronym apparently means it's "Khronos-approved". https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/html/vkspec.html#extensions