Si je comprends bien, la réponse, c'est "on veut pas que ça se voit trop qu'on raccourcit un tour qui fait seulement 8 étapes contre 21 pour les hommes, donc on en a coupé une en deux pseudo-étapes pour que ça fasse 8 étapes emballées en 7 jours."
Tolkien estate usually doesn't like their words used in random stuff. Sometimes I think they're bordering on control freaks, but in that particular case, yeah, nuking that shit and forcing them to change their name wouldn't seem unreasonable to me.
If they're not aware of it, maybe someone should tip them.
I don't know how it was when you were a kid, but there's been a good number of pretty damning stories since then.
Especially the one about the fucking overt pedophile with the rabid "edgy" fanbase and Roblox having to be coerced into doing something.
Or the shady team-developed games, that are not being controlled in any way by Roblox, but where minor developers are being "recruited" and exploited by adults.
Or the way Roblox itself obfuscates how much you can profit from your games with absurd fees over fees over terrible fake money exchange rates. And how it encourages shitty monetization practices.
"See, on this diagram, that part of the global population represents the users we can legally identify, because they're not minors.
_ So, who's in the rest of the diagram?...
_ This is a mystery to everybody."
Like... The one with the werewolf? Really?
Well, that's definitely one of the Sonic games of all times.
X used self-destruct.
Peut-être pas, mais le problème c'est que, en théorie, quelqu'un pourrait acheter la presque totalité des médias et s'assurer que personne ne puisse les critiquer publiquement. Ça serait vraiment ballot, si ce genre de choses arrivait.
Yes, so much yes. I've got that on mine too, and it's a pain. it has very small, close "buttons" too, setting the temperature is an exercise in accuracy, when it reacts at all.
And yes, the tiniest drop of water fucks everything up completely.
Capacitive buttons on anything are annoying, they're unreliable as fuck. They might trigger with the slightest accidental touch, but then they'll act like your finger doesn't exist for a dozen pushes.
Je bosse dans une collectivité territoriale. Depuis l'année dernière, les décideurs ont choisi de nous faire passer à Microsoft 365 pour tout ça.
C'est très cher, ça a bien fait suer l'infra et ça continue à nous poser plein de problèmes d'intégration. Et le pire c'est que vu le prix, on sait même pas combien de temps ça va durer, si ça se trouve dans un an un changement de politique ou de budget nous fait tout arrêter avec tout ce que ça implique pour refaire une transition derrière.
Et, opinion personnelle mais pas vraiment polémique, Teams, c'est vraiment pas très bon.
Donc bon, je sais pas ce qu'ils valent leurs softs maison mais faut pas croire qu'il n'y a pas de problèmes en face.
Yeah, pretty much. The best Sims game doesn't exist, it's a Frankenstein monster that would take bits of the 4 games.
I love the idea of 3 with the open city and NPC progression, but wow this game's an unstable glitchy mess. It's not even close to be playable without many unofficial fixes, and even then, it runs like shit.
The only things I'd take from 4 would be maybe moods (nice to have, I guess) and the more organic body models, with more seemless morphs. 4's gameplay is boring as hell, nothing interesting ever happens. And they got rid of create-a-style which is a huge creativity downgrade.