your kid goes for a walk? believe it or not, straight to jail.
shuffling is a wildly different dance
i thought they looked cool, until i saw one in person. i honestly expected them to be about 30% smaller. they're stupidly gigantic in real life.
unless you buy a game that later adds denuvo, of course
you mean arena 5, surely?
from the article it sounds like they aren't getting overtime pay, or any pay at all for the extra work days. instead they've been promised some extra paid days off in the future, but only after their current project ends, and only if they don't get laid off by that point.
they're presenting the candidates differently, sure, but i honestly don't know who you think this is favouring.
i read the whole article and still have no idea what this has to do with furries.
i can't believe i just watched that whole thing. it was spellbinding, start to finish.
couldn't be that long. i was on the site a couple days ago.
i was gonna say source mage! so i guess it's not that obscure, if two of us thought to mention it.