Printer stopped working, or it got misaligned to the paper, and just the allergen message was cut off. Perhaps.
80,000 pounds is slightly over two tractor trailers' worth. For the whole country, that's not a big deal.
Once upon a time, straight outta school, I wrote up solutions to problems from the Serway physics book. For Chegg. $5 per problem.
Fuck Chegg.
And they are all welcome back if they can satisfy the Linux Foundation that they're not affiliated with a sanctioned entity on the SDN list.
Compare with the yearly release cycle on cars.
Yeah. The expensive soap dispenser probably had to pass shock and vibration testing, thermal stress testing, and explosive atmosphere testing... Because that was in the requirements.
Also, as the safety briefing says, "we do not anticipate a change in cabin pressure," but if a rapid decompression should occur, there was probably some provision made so that the soap dispenser doesn't just shatter or explode or something.
Is it really just $250? That would be a pretty serious rebuke from the court.
Would a fork be technically viable if Americans and American businesses can't participate (because the fork works with SDN entities)? Maybe.
The reality is that the Linux Foundation is in the United States, and Linus is a naturalized US citizen who lives in Oregon (at least on Wikipedia). So they both will have to pay attention to avoid transacting business with individuals and companies on the SDN list. That is the law in the United States.
Gabe is absolutely right on this. If it doesn't completely recenter the first person shooter genre, it's not really a half life game.