C’est fait avec ~~de la graisse~~ du collagène animal, c’est bien une charcuterie.
c'est tiré de la peau et des os de mammifères (le plus souvent porc ou bœuf) ou de peau de poisson (pour la production de gélatine halal)
C’est fait avec ~~de la graisse~~ du collagène animal, c’est bien une charcuterie.
c'est tiré de la peau et des os de mammifères (le plus souvent porc ou bœuf) ou de peau de poisson (pour la production de gélatine halal)
that's quite perfect ^^
in German they use the word for assembling 2 big mechanical parts together, like the carriage and the body of a car
welding > wedding
I came for this comment, Ainsley Hayes was a fun character
I don't even want to turn on the speed limiter because I'm getting random fantom breaking, it's really infuriating.
Quelle œuvre splendide
Free with every X Premium subscription!
Too young to drink drive and vote, old enough to be a parent and to soon enlist in the army
Kelly Claxon, the singer? Definitely a very irritating sound!
I watched a video (Invidious) yesterday detailing the type of coins they used before 1971 in the UK and its empire, and it was actually insane.
1 Pound = 20 Shillings = 240 Pennies, with coins for 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 pennies, 1, 2, 2.5, 5 Shillings and banknotes for the Pounds, and each of these coins had 5 or more different names
How the eff do you gain 400 lbs?! That’s roughly 180kg!
the customary unit for body weight in the UK is, however, the stone https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1+stone+%28unit%29
i take her with me, she can enjoy the smell, my small little revenge for making me clean her toilet