Ah, that's fair. My brain autofilled a "you" in there.
I don't consider guys to be a gendered word. I feel like guys has been used to refer to both genders for decades at this point.
You guys is synonymous with y'all
Why are you bringing gender into something that doesn't need any gendering?
They forked Judaism
Surprisingly, I learned about him in AP Euro in high school in Texas, a very similar State from an education perspective.
But they couldn’t hold her off forever. The revolution had arrived, and it had found its Robbespierre. When the coveted Red Dead Redemption 2 release came out, she was on top of the world.
But we all know what happened to Robbespierre.
Why is that reddit post a better investigative journalist piece than over 90% of actual news sites?
Android is terminal capable despite being mobile. Try termux for example.
I know they probably actually meant the States of the US, but...
They did say states with a lowercase s. 'States' = regions within a country, 'states' = can mean countries. Technically they aren't defaulting to the US.