I thought it was detecting bots based on how you are moving your mouse, etc to solve it, but if they can be solved by AI do they want their AI trained by other AI?
Woud that be /home/username/SATA (SATA is my ntfs partition) or /home/username (where user will be deleted and will be replaced with my partition)?
So how could I install programs on the other drive? When they get installed they are scattered between /bin /lib /usr/bin and others, how could I move them in /media/SATA (where my drive is mounted)
The only thing I can do is move appimages until now
I would want some federated more traditional forums instead of a reddit approach, that would have so many advantages, like threads not dying this often and just being easier to navigate
For me the slight lag is the worst, I can stand charging them and cant notice the lower audio quality but the lag is so annoying, For music they are good, bot not for things you interact with
Can't you compress what the HDMI outputs in real time so that it would have a normal size?
Why does the enter look like that?
Heared this will change with ios 17
Why cant they make their own store? Is apple mandating things like signing
Theres a bendy thing in the middle with contacts on both sides, so it can fit in any normal microusb port
That is one of the most annoying thing that i experienced (and still do) when i switched to linux some months ago. Sometimes I have a problem and I look online to solve it where I see that i have to do some terminal commands explaimed with terms I dont know and maybe edit a file in /etc, only to find out some days later that I could have done it very easily with the GUI in much less time and without that hassle. Most advanced users find the terminal easier, but for new users it is really hard without knowing the commands and can only copy-paste. Over time i started to learn some commands, but doing it so abruptly will just discourage everyone.
Switching to linux was a very good thing I did and I should have done it earlier, but I still keep a copy of windows, the biggest reason is to have a machine that just works if i really need to do some thing and if I have a problem with linux, that and for compatibility, to a smaller extent as I (luckly) do not use need to use THAT programs the just refuse to work in linux