Good, Elon deserves nothing but the middle finger.
Places GPT-based "AI" next to flying cars
Pretty soon they'll be 10 minutes, and then longer, and eventually they'll be just like any other YouTube video, except in vertical.
Meta is a little hard because they acquired a lot of existing social networks in their prime and have kept things subtle. Think about how long it took EA to finally strip Maxis of everything but The Sims. The only way you would know something is owned by Meta is from the splash screen.
Basically, "you can do whatever you want as long as it benefits us." I hate for-profit social networks.
The notion that every person has to somehow protect their works for all of their life and beyond the grave is obviously dumb and purely favors corporations at the cost of pitting artists against themselves and fans.
This thin obsession really needs to stop.
While they aren't perfect, it's certainly better than waiting on the distro or dealing with potential package conflicts that PPAs also had a habit of causing.
At least they're not killing the protocol.
They were a bandaid solution to a problem that Flatpaks and Snap fixed.
The problem with all these chat AIs is that they're just a gloried autocorrect. It never knew what it was saying from the beginning. That's why it "hallucinates".
It was the mid-2000s. Graphics were held to different standards back then.