How do you get results like this when combining non-humans with things humans usually do, like stand up and hold stuff. I’ve tried generating bears holding stuff and it always turns out funky
You’re literally using a service there that isn’t the case for.
The stats disagree with you, so your anecdotes don’t really mean anything…
It’s not an either or. It’s _if it’s free, you’re the product _. That’s it. It’s not saying anything about if you pay for it.
Not that I don’t believe you but I’d love to cite this in future discussions, where did you get your stats from?
You tried three in person places and then went straight to Amazon? Why not trying to buy directly from the manufacturer? You clearly didn’t try at all. Ignoring the fact that there are still plenty of other retail stores, you didn’t even try the online shops of any of your retail stores.
Hmm I got Starlink earlier this year and I don’t remember it having a default. I think it asked me to set the ssid immediately.
Why in the world would you think that someone paying to use a service is a problem? Sure direct donations are more helpful, but that doesn’t run servers to actually distribute the content you’re viewing. Your problem is completely different than what we are discussing about ad blockers.
Then you shouldn’t support pretty much any fast food chain. All their CEOs or downstream CEOs act pretty much the same. Treating Chick-fil-A like it’s somehow different here is just hypocritical.
I don’t really understand how that’s YouTube’s fault. They created a good product so people used it and there were no alternatives when it got shit. There’s no lock in. They don’t force you off the platform if you post elsewhere (like twitch did). You can literally post the same video to as many platforms as you want. Sites like Instagram and GitHub have more lock in than YouTube does.
Hey’s spam filtering is a thousand times better than Gmail at least nowadays. Mostly because hey is literally built on the premise that you whitelist who you want to get emails from. The rest are blackholed. But the spam filtering is still very good for the approval part of it.