Gen X version:
(Had to cheat and put an arcade game for 1980, because I'm not aware of any notable console games from that year. In reality the console games from then looked much, much worse than Pac-Man)
Greentexts, memes, everything 4chan.
Gen X version:
(Had to cheat and put an arcade game for 1980, because I'm not aware of any notable console games from that year. In reality the console games from then looked much, much worse than Pac-Man)
Even as a millennial this is one of the first games I played (and I still love it). I dumped the ROM so I can play it forever.
Maybe graphical advancements have slowed down (especially since it takes half a decade to make a game now) but this feels a little disingenuous. Bottom is supposed to be Fortnite? I can see someone playing WoW or Quake or UT for 10 years since its release too.
Theres more variety in gaming today then there ever was, many more single dev games succeeding because they dont need to impress the likes of EA to publish their game thanks to the internet and free distribution. More platforms to choose from and multiplatform releases are more common.
The successes of one game are not reflective whole medium or the current state of gaming.
That's the average "modern thing bad" to you. Especially the ones shitting on things around kids
It's also really ignoring how much Fortnite has changed over the years. It's like saying 10 years of LoL and using the same three pictures from season 1.
Everyone who doesn't play LoL will think you're an idiot if you play ranked, that hasn't changed in 15 years
Zoomers played Minecraft
Millennials and Alpha play(ed) Fortnite
You could also put 10 years of RuneScape or WoW for millennials and a plethora of games that came out between 2010-2020 for Zoomers
Millennials did not play Fortnite.
Not true! I installed it and played for 5 minutes once!
Yeah, I played a few times right when it came out, but put it down, didn't feel like it was for me. I am currently 37, so pretty middle of the pack millennial. I'm sure someone born in '95 played.
My sister was born in 97, my brother in 93, and me in 90 and I always have to remind myself she isn't, technically, a millennial.
No idea if she's played Fortnite, though.
My wife's current fortnite addiction would suggest otherwise
Parents playing with their kids
Runescape changed quite a bit in that 10 year span
Yeah but then osrs came along
And now there's 2009scape!
Lol was gonna reply that, which osrs? XD
I mean... sure, but when i was a kid if I wanted a free game I had to pirate it but all you need nowadays is to have an epic game store account and you get a free legal game every week. I would have loved that as a kid.
I mean, they can still play the old games. My kiddo loved Kirby on the NES Classic
The point of the meme is the experience of witnessing the unique rate of progress in game engines, not the variety. There's definitely more variety now than ever before, if you go looking for it l, and I say that as a 40 year old curmudgeon.
Exactly. Several limits were loosened or removed entirely. The SNES was the first console with actual pixel transparency, the PSX, despite being weaker than the Saturn and the N64, was the king of the 90s. The jump in graphical and sound quality was always night and day from the Atari era all the way to the PS3/360 era (sound probably peaked in the PS2 era, with DVD quality)
Even on the PC, the jump from 3 years' worth of advances was astonishing. Just compare the original Doom, 1993, with Quake, 1996
And here's Quake 3, 1999
HL1 vs HL2 shows a similar rate of progress
didn't feel like it to me at the time, but I was glad they finally developed the technology to prevent Gordon's boots from being slippery as fuck. god hl1 platforming was abysmal.
Not the most active current popular games for them tho, if you're around 18 rnow fortnite was prob the main/only mutiplayer title played, my friends and I played a ton of games, jumping every month to what was popular, its consistently been fortnite for kids for a while now, I have 18 year old nephews that have only ever played fortnite, which is honestly a non issue if that works for them, the goal is to get dopamine, move on when you stop getting dopamine
They can play the same game for years and I cant even open one of hundreds I have avilable to me most days, I think they and sports game player win, they seem happier.
I'm playing Split Fiction with my wife right now and it's one of the best coop player games I have played in awhile. Back in my childhood, the best we had was Toe Jam and Earl.
Is fortnite overrated?
No, it's rated (E for children). I'm not a big fan of what it became or how inaccurate weapons were but it did offer something new to shooters when it came out with the construction mechanics and it has plenty of skill expression.
The more damning indictment is that something in the industry hasn't displaced it, but it's not like it's any worse than a yearly Modern Warfare or FIFA release.
I'd say an even more damning indictment is that HellDivers gained the popularity it did.
That grind simulator game fucking sucks and is clunky and ugly, but it found success because the market is a trash desert.
10 years of being GenX:
year 1: monochromatic primary-coloured graphics on a ZX Spectrum/chunky sprites on a Commodore 64/dying of dysentery and NTSC colour fringing on an Apple II
year 10: 4096-colour 3D graphics and digitised sound on an Amiga/playing Microsoft Flight Simulator on a 1024x768 multisync monitor
None of those games are an improvement over Chrono trigger
Strictly in 3d graphic capacity, just about.
Though Ocarina (1998) was only three years after Chrono Trigger (1995).
Star Fox came out in 1993 and was kind of the defining '3D' game and would've been perfect for this meme.