I was thinking more like buttons for A-Z, but that sounds good too.
I would like at least 26 more buttons
Cryptocurrency is not necessarily anonymous. Buying bitcoin from a broker leaves a record connecting your payment method to your wallet. Even if you mine them yourself, doesn't your IP address show up on the public ledger? I guess if you somehow bought bitcoin in cash...
Is there a more private cryptocurrency I'm not considering?
Nice 😎
The implications of "magic is data" are fun. It leads to stories like Unsong where you can brute-force enumerate incantations until you find a good one. I also like the concept of Wizard's Bane. I haven't read it, but my understanding is that magic turns out to be Turing-complete, and the protagonist creates a LISP evaluator in magic, which enables them to outcast their enemies who are still doing the magical equivalent of writing assembly.
The wizard on the wall (disguised as a skeleton) uses NixOS and also happens to declare their incantations in the Nix language.
For completeness, we should review the involuntarily uploaded data as well.
You're not the boss of me now!
It's about accountability
Won't someone please think of the children...'s unkicked faces
Case in point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADE_651
Basically a dowsing rod, totally incapable of detecting bombs, drugs, etc. But possibly still useful as a probable cause generator.
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