I don't get her method "I had access to a very powerful computer" what did that even mean?
joined 4 weeks ago
Partially right. North Korean citizens didn't have internet, but there was a internet connection. I think it was on Reddit where someone found the Peering router and was able to get a rough network topology. It's how red star OS was found out. They also found apple devices connected to the neteork.
Red Star OS when?
You know ips can be filtered to still have access right?
Yeah, but they were not even 30 yet....dammit these corps.
never heard of that before.
they were only 26. fuck sakes.
Texas Prevents People From Owning More Than 6 Dildos. Now Lawmakers Want to Ban Sex Toys at Walmart.
im praying for lakecityquietpills
Texas Prevents People From Owning More Than 6 Dildos. Now Lawmakers Want to Ban Sex Toys at Walmart.
i sacrifice myself for the greater good of orgasms.
yeah thats the same response "nothing to hide blah blah"