I'm old fashioned. It's still the Gulf of Mexico and Pluto is still a planet.
Budgie on Solus here.
Have you been laundering memes for the cartels again?! 😂
Is Blue Sky also setup to federate?
The Reuters article suggests prohibiting payments to Apple so that Chrome users on their hardware default to Google search. What about default settings to Firefox? Similar agreements finance a large portion of Mozilla's revenue.
Am I the only one on here using Budgie. I just feel more comfortable with the workflow using Budgie.
This is not new and it has previously been used against anti-abortion activists, tracking locations and even being used to record religious confessions. People on both sides of the abortion issue can oppose this type of monitoring.
For me it was the opposite. Windows required too much support. It didn't do what they wanted it to do and bad updates inevitably caused problems. With Solus Linux everything became easier for them.
What do you most like? Thoughts on why others should give it a shot?
I'm a long time Solus user and am very happy.