The thing that I can't understand about this product is why they didn't cover the function keys. They are literally functional.
Mostly just Discovery and Picard is kind of halfway there.
SNW is a really fun watch once they've dealt with Pike's future (which they kind of really have to). Personally I like that they go for different genres, but I can see why some people might not like that if.
Lower Decks is a riot and a half and I think it's my favourite Star Trek, but it might be kind of cheating because it stands on the shoulders of all the other shows.
Prodigy is quite a bit different from the other shows, but it's full of optimism, hope, and friendship. It doesn't start out that way, they're all very suspicious of each other at first. They grow into it as they learn more about themselves and each other, and aspire to be part of the Federation and Starfleet.
Netflix literally will not take my money anymore. I had cancelled my subscription during covid because money was tight, but I was willing to temporarily re-subscribe when the next season of select shows came out. I tried to re-enable my original account, but I couldn't because they wouldn't accept my credit card. I tried different cards, then tried to make new accounts with different emails and different credit cards, but still couldn't. Netflix kept rejecting all my cards. I ran out of credit cards.
Look, I was willing to give Netflix my money, it's not my fault they were unwilling to take it.
One time I had to use a website where the email 2FA expired in 30 seconds! I usually keep my email client open while my computer is on, but, come on, that was ridiculous.
The messages got from it are:
"the patriarchy" is not a good thing, but even the idealized "the matriarchy" has problems too, and whatever we have going on right now isn't really working
a man's value is inherent to himself, it doesn't come from a job or a relationship. (I suppose this applies to women too, but it was Ken who had to learn this lesson).
Men need to support each other more rather than compete with each other
Societal expectations for women are impossible to attain
Running Google Ads requires uploading your drivers license or passport. I'm a volunteer at a teeny non-profit. Why should I have to surrender that level of personal information for a business/non-profit account where I'm not even employed (no one is, it's all volunteers)? I didn't, and the account was suspended.
I don't understand what you mean by Firefox's development is driven by the community? It's not a community contributed open source software; my friend worka on Firefox and is a Mozilla employee.