For 10€ a year I will pay for a feature I don't even use voluntarily.
Just because the app is great and works really well with multi accounts.
Not yet.
No icons, no ability to save notes, a URL or back it up in an encrypted json.
I will definitely keep an eye on it though.
You can alao invest without influencing?
Why does it matter? The devs make the program not the investor.
The only reason I would refuse the tech was if the investor would try to change the direction of development or is giving out money from questionable sources...
Even then there would be at least that someone that would refuse it or would only sell out for (example) 1 billion €.
Yeah...I should be doing it but I am honestly too lazy to change my compose.
The only place I actually did it is my mongodb container bexause I know absolutely nothing about it.
At lwast I can rescue my traefik config :p
My forecast is lovely...
Disclaimer: Everything is in °C
Edit: Last week we had close to 0°C temps :)
Gif of guy sittting in a cinema clapping into camera
Thanks for the service. Kinda missed that after departing from Reddit as my main source of doom scrolling.
So is Bitwarden? Even more so if it's selfhosted?