I would be very interested in a BF3 remaster (and the earlier games too) but anything else is justs no thanks I'm good.
There is already a yearly release for F1 so I'm not surprised if the manager game gets cancelled. From what I hear this year's game is very buggy and unbalanced, even more so than usual...
No thank you Sony.
I have one game with 1000+ hours and that is Squad. It's the only online game I play anymore as it is the only game that has teamwork/communication (it takes be back to Battlefield 2 days) and none of the shit like battle passes etc.
My gaming habits are just playing lots and never finishing anything... but I have fun still.
I agree with all the replies I'm getting but people are literally going round in circles with the outrage over digital licenses.
Buy physical, backup your media, download illegally or do what you need to do to show businesses that things need to change.
Honestly the first few hours are a bit of a chore but keep going.
This is great news. Death Stranding is in my all time top 10 so highly recommend it to anyone tempted on Xbox.
My mistake then. I guess that shows how uninterested in achievements I am...
100 hours for only 0.1%. I don't particularly like achievements anyway but these ones are just stupid.
Ridiculous amount of game crashes and lost saves were the big issues so I refunded the game. Overall I found 23 much more enjoyable but I agree that the depth just isn't there to make it last.