Check their history, they seem like an alt-right troll
That last one is the Ally flag, though I don't see why Allies should have a flag dedicated to them, if you want to fly a flag in support of us, just use the rainbow or progressive flag. Like why is a special ally flag needed?
Straight people do not need to take pride in being straight as they are not oppressed for being straight. They do not need to beg for recognition as a straight person or beg not to be abused for being straight, people are understood and assumed to be straight by default. Straight pride parades, straight pride badges, and straight pride labels are a reactionary counter movement to LGBTQ+ pride often arranged and practiced by people who are bigoted or intolerant towards LGBTQ+ people.
You saying that calling out people for setting up or attending straight pride events or wearing a straight pride label is somehow equivalent t criticizing or denying gay people pride is a bad faith comparison because the situations are not equal and like I've already said. Straight people are not oppressed for being straight.
The request is seen as absurd because for the most part straight/cis people do not need to affirm or have pride in their straightness, they aren't oppressed or have limited recognition for it, the desire for "straight pride" is completely reactionary to the idea of LGBTQ+ pride, and the person on Steam who requested that feature is likely a bigot who is annoyed about LGBTQ+ pride, so the developer's response is justified.
You're right I am a girl, whether anyone likes it or not.
I don't blame them for responding petty. Steam has some of the most hostile and bigoted people out there. Something like this is a great way to push back against them while being funny and highlighting the absurdity of their request.
Which it so is, people don't need a straight pride flag or straight pride label, they're just trying to push back against LGBTQ acceptance.
As if being queer is wrong or abnormal 🙄
I may be trans but as far as most people are concerned I'm a normal girl.
Probably not, also many animes have themes they probably don't like.
It's almost certainly transphobic people or bots run by transphobic people. Either way people who don't bring anything positive to the discussion and who bear hostility to the trans community, hence why I say the downvotes on the post can be used to find some of the more quiet transphobes and ban them.
what qualifies as “just asking questions”
You just highlighted a transphobic dogwhistle, where people claim to be "just asking questions" and their questions are by nature invalidating or attempting to be invalidating towards trans people.
if you want to know what I meant by downvotes in the thread, many people who are transphobic aren't bold enough to express it directly, they do it indirectly claiming they are just asking questions or that they just don't support that one basic things that trans people expect to receive. Some are even more less direct, lurking and hiding but they still express their distain and transphobia through downvotes. On Reddit they were practically anonymous. The fediverse though allows votes to be seen by instance admins, so it's really easy for admins to find the ones doing this and give them the boot. Votes aren't anonymous.
I already did provide you with criteria for what counts as transphobia, though from what you've said here you sound like a typical apologist and discussion will likely not go anywhere.
I don’t support transphobia, but this sounds extremely aggressive and almost unworkable. Who gets to decide what qualifies as “thinly veiled transphobia”? or “transphobic dogwhistles” and what approach is used to disperse bans?
It's easy, comments which dismiss or devalue trans people, attempt to undermine our rights, or justify or sympathize with transphobia count as thinly veiled transphobia. This is widely agreed upon by trans people and their allies alike.
For example, in many countries some people who might be generally supportive of trans people (in the sense that they would want you to be the best version of yourself) might oppose inclusion of trans women in natal-women’s spaces. Does this qualify for an automatic ban?
This is transphobic, it implies that trans women aren't real women. We are real women. We aren't men pretending to be women. This type of argument attempts to invalidate trans women and claim that we aren't real women. They claim to respect us as women but they don't think we should be in spaces with other women. If we're real women and they think we're real women how does that make any sense. Answer, it doesn't. This is an example of thinly veiled transphobia.
Some might claim this is transphobic, but my answer to that would be: How do you know? Do you speak the local language? Have you lived there? Do you have any knowledge about the region’s history? Do you know what the attitude of the local LGBT community is to the above-mentioned example?
More examples of trying to justify thinly veiled transphobia. You know how we know it IS transphobic, because it is exclusionary towards actual women on the basis that we're transgender. Just because transphobia is normalized in some places doesn't make it not transphobia, also doesn't make it not wrong and exclusionary. Please don't try to excuse transphobia on the basis of the people being foreigners or the transphobia being mild and the people still self-proclaiming themselves to be trans allies.
Hopefully more people from can go through the general communities on and the like and report as many of those users as possible so they can be banned from their instance.
I would definitely oppose this without addressing specifically what qualifies as "transphobia" and what the specific policies are with regards to moderator actions. Otherwise this is just some rampage witchhunt against perceived enemies.
It's not complicated, anything trans exclusionary or invalidating to trans identities is transphobic. "I don't hate trans people but I don't think they should force their identities and pronouns onto other people" is a transphobic dogwhistle and a prime example of thinly veiled transphobia, and it's the kind of thing you'd likely excuse here. I mean you literally excused excluding trans women from "women's spaces" despite us being women. That in and of itself is a dogwhistle, "protect women's spaces". I do think that though should alert other admins including's admins o the problem though so they can ban these people everywhere, and not just from a single instance and its communities.
Honestly it's about fucking time. The unmoderated hate speech on their platform has gone on long enough. Many people don't realize just how bad it is but I recently hopped on some servers and I got called "tranny" and "groomer" because people knew me and they knew I "used to be a boy" (not true, I never was a boy, just in-denial). I've also seen people pushing Nazi shit on Steam community discussions and in-game on official servers, it's insanely bad.