Big win, huge win, he should do it.
slow claps
Well done sir, well done.
You nailed it huh
Of course I am, there's no way I can escape mkvs. It's not too bad if it doesn't have to transcode the actual video stream, but having to burn in subtitles is a common issue 😭
There's nobody out there writing "commercial" code in notepad. It's the concepts that matter, not the spelling, so if OP got a solid grasp on those from using GPT, he'll probably make it just fine
I still can't play my videos on Firefox without transcoding them, so I honestly hope they get it right this time.
Yes but that's from a company that builds decent cards at an acceptable price, and not from the HypeLords of the Lesser Return on Investment Unless You're a Farm.
(Getting ready for the downvotes!...)
So you can't download them, you should run them directly on tencent cloud or something? Smart...
Big ones too. Case in point, USA.
I love how this post makes a bunch of claims, and yet provides zero sources, and thus, has absolutely zero value.
It's digital noise, spam at best, evil misinformation at worst.
I haven't looked into running any if these models myself so I'm not too informed, but isn't the censorship highly dependent on the training data? I assume they didn't release theirs.
Only neckbeards on 4chan, it's obviously a troll post, newf...