Again…what have they said about this game so far that you think is a lie?
As far as I know all they’ve really said so far is “this is going to be a huge and epic game!” And people already seem to be like “oh boy another lie”
Has he even said anything yet about this game that sounds unbelievable? I feel like people are getting preemptively angry.
I guarantee nobody complaining now has seen the original spike tv video game awards.
Wow, maybe the taliban really will be defeated by capitalism
And as someone who cares about the meanings of words, I don’t agree with you that defederarion is censorship, especially to the point of insisting it’s literally exactly the same as government censorship of its citizens!
And as someone who has family that had to escape the Soviet Union, I don’t respect your opinion that what they went through is “exactly the same” as making an account on a different instance!
The feeling is mutual, as I’ve had bad vibes about you since your original post!
I was going to ask “don’t you want to try to bring people over to your point of view for the sake of building a social consensus?” and then I remember that you called those people “dictators” so I guess not.
Well, ultimately, that’s just like, your opinion man. Besides that you think people are dictators when they propose defederation (sometimes)
“This game MIGHT end up being controversial. We’re just going to act like it already is.”