It's not you. It's ridiculous that they're this indignant.
If that's what you're trying to express then I kind of feel like you miswrote your comment. You want them to focus on browser features but not continue to add features? You don't feel like there's any room for confusion there?
If by "forgiveness" you mean an avoidance of legal liability, sure. :P
Corporations are as callous and mechanical as they have always been, with an ever expanding range of tools to exploit. They will do anything and everything they can unless it is less profitable to do it.
The implication being that this is the deal that the AI boom is offering, it's not necessarily an endorsement of that philosophy by the writer.
"We need you to reconsider... because we already did it and we're just looking for your stamp of approval after the fact."
What an amazing feature!
For Microsoft...
We're free to do all the great, innovative things we could want! But mostly the sneakiest, underhanded, previously illegal shit we want...
Did you think some else's nudes might have resurfaced there...?
You can quit Facebook, just not Meta as an entity.
It's not an overly sustainable service at the scale it is running.