I thought this was an excellent review, as usual from Eurogamer. They may be the gaming equivalent of junk food, but this quote is a pretty nice summary of the folly of stripping back a Ubisoft open world:
(...)Ubisoft open worlds are not only fun because of their formula; they are their formula. To strip it away isn't like peeling off some old wallpaper to reveal the original brickwork. It's lifting up the carpet to find a whacking great hole in the ground.
I disagree. The perception of how the game is set up changes the more you play. At first you think it's 75% MOBA and 25% shooter - mostly a MOBA. But the more you play the more you realise that that 25% shooter part is disproportionately important.
Deadlock adds an entire layer of complexity and skill on top of the MOBA: three-dimensional movement, mouse control, crosshair placement... The amount of movement tech alone is wild, and will be insanely important for high calibre play. It will appeal to an entirely different type of player.