Is that what Bojack Horseman is all about?
I will, thank you. Sincerely.
If I would only not just use it to log off.
Yeah y'all really don't want to end up like us. We're not the land of the free. The streets are most definitely not paved with gold. We're just a giant ponzi scheme.
I'm not sure where you're coming from?
Probably a slur.
"We were just thinking of the shareholders." You can't just pass the blame to shareholders. Why do shareholders exist? To create the illusion that everyone can be an "owner" so that the owning class can continue to fuck us all.
This is why I personally don't believe in jail/prison. Rehabilitation, yes. Jail or prison? No. I'm no professional but I feel as though I have seen countless studies about how our prison system is a failure and how all it does is set people up to come back. That doesn't even touch on private prisons and their financial incentives to get people back into the system.
I don't speak pretzel, but I'm pretty sure this is a lie.
Hoagies are sushi, then?
Wouldn't it have been hilarious if that's what happened after the fact?