Yeah that part is annoying. I have to make myself not read every single comment. I have a browser extension that helps organize that a bit.
The Something Awful Forums still exist, and I go there a lot more than I go here or Reddit these days.
RPG's for free OUTSIDE every Walmart that have logic in them where they can only be pointed at Walmart
I switched to only private trackers 5 or 6 years ago and haven't looked back.
When I worked at a computer store (basically the store from viva l dirt league) a lady came in and kept trying to order a jizz of RAM. We had a great time getting her to say it repeatedly.
Lol I used to work for a company that has been bought and renamed several times and now is under the WebMD umbrella. They were trying that "remote work is bad" be a decade ago, and it's funny that now they are part of a larger company that still isn't with the times.
I've wanted to invent modular clothing where a lot of the pieces are interchangeable so you just zip off the legs and zip them to your shirt on case your arms are cold but your legs aren't.