Or I just have cheap taste buds. While to other people food is a pleasure to me it's fuel.
I prefer Burger King over most restaurants.
I'm probably going to order a burger anyways so I don't see the need to pay extra for a fancy one that I need a knife and fork to eat when I can get just as tasty burger from BK.
Sorry! Just in case this came out rude or judgy. It’s just a bit rare that ones’ library is so empty. It was just a thought because mine looks similar when I don’t activate Proton.
No worries. I feel the same way when I see someone have a huge list of games on Steam. I don't understand how they have time to learn and play all those games. For me it's always been that I find one game I like and then only play that for several years.
Ironically Arma 2 is my first ever game downloaded on Steam as DayZ used to be mod for that one before the standalone version came out and I'm still playing it over 10 years later. Applies to Age of Empires 2 that's on the list too. I've been playing it since 1999 and I still do every now and then. Whose got time for new games when old ones still keeps on giving haha
Do you really have this few games in your library?
Yes. I don't play anything else except DayZ currently.
Second, if you are already using Proton and my first guess is wrong, use another Proton version.
Yeah I had all this enabled. The game worked perfectly before and then just all of a sudden stopped launching. I tired Proton 8 and 7 aswell but no difference.
What distro are you using?
Did you try using Flatpak instead of the native package?
I was using the snap version of Steam that I had installed from Ubuntu App Store. I uninstalled it and installed the native version using terminal. Obviously I had to re-download and re-install the game aswell and it started working again after that. I'm not entirely sure what was causing the issue in the first place but I'm suspecting it was an issue in the steam app itself. What is curious though is that the exactly same issue occured to me previously with Windows 7 aswell and judging by the reports online, I'm not the only one.
The problem is however solved - atleast for now, and that's the most important thing. Thanks for the help though! The assistance I got from this community is invaluable. I'd be completely stuck with this on my own.
I wonder if this command would clear out the remaining files from the snap install that appears to have been left behind? Since the game is now working I'm afraid to tweak anything more so that I don't mess it up again
How would I go about checking which version mine is? Atleast it isn't in the snap folder.
Yeah upgrading the motherboard, cpu and ram is ahead at some point. I don't really game that much so haven't wanted to invest much into that thing. I almost exlusively play DayZ which it barely runs. With the new GPU and by optimizing the settings I get decent visuals with 35 to 60 fps but there's a ton of room for improvement. I've been upgrading it piece by piece starting with an SSD and the new GPU.
Game runs now by the way. I'm not exactly sure what finally did it but I'm suspecting the new steam version and reinstalling the game itself. Huge thanks for the help. Without this community I'd be at a complete loss with this stuff.
Well I ran the code anyway so I hope that's okay. Really appreciate the help man.
I might treat my PC with a new motherboard, CPU and RAM in the near future so switching distros is not totally out of the question. This rig is almost exclusively for playing DayZ tho, so this issue is particularly irritating.
Yeah I actually saw that on an article while googling about it. I ran the code but haven't managed to test it yet. Trying again with the different steam version in a moment. I think I saw something about i386 scroll by while it was installing.
Yeah Ubuntu App Center. I managed to uninstall it now and installed one using terminal. I'm re-downloading the game now so we'll see how it goes..
Climate change is not going to kill/cripple "almost all" humans. Not even close. Even the most extreme climate models don't forecast anything like this.