Something tells me it's not a daily driver...
People are allowed to have toys.
Something tells me it's not a daily driver...
People are allowed to have toys.
You're not alone on the road.
It's incredibly unlikely that you'd be in such a bad accident that you couldn't call for help; while simultaneously being isolated from the public to the point nobody saw your accident and started calling ems/police before you could.
That's not to say it doesn't happen; but I definitely wouldn't be worried about it.
Dirty secrets about you.
Poorly phrased perhaps; I just meant how you can control a single character and walk around your world as opposed to the strictly top-down view of similar titles.
The first person mode is pretty neat.
Right now Meta has the best VR / AR that is easily accessible.
Too bad the company is absolute garbage. I'm not even willing to look at their 'products' anymore.
Particularly with articles like this around:
True. Known as Encrypted Client Hello now, as part of TLS1.3.
It seems many more browsers support it than last I'd looked. I'm curious to see how much of the general web has adopted support for it onnthe server side. I'll have to look into that more, and see what it'll take to setup for self-hosting.
It will prevent the ISP from snooping on, or tampering with, the DNS request. However when you go to use the IP you've retrieved via DoH/DoT; your first request establishing a TLS connection to that IP will contain an unencrypted SNI which states the domain you are trying to use. This can be snooped on by your ISP.
But what's not encrypted by either is the Server Name Indicator or SNI, ie: the initial request to a webserver stating which host you're trying to reach at that IP, before establishing the TLS connection, contains the domain you'd requested via DoH/DoT, in plaintext.
Except in this case, the driver is being called a POS simply for owning a toy and legally driving it down the road.
I could understand if he was actually engaged in some assholery like taking up multiple lanes... But he's fine.