I wouldn't give him 300 pennies
All subscription services are a scam that way. Doesn't matter the reason for wanting a refund, no matter how long after paying they'll always give the same "Against our policy. Nothing we can do" excuse.
Since the conversation moved down a little, I'll respond to this comment instead of your original question. For clarity, I'm not referring to them providing a terrible service as kratoz presumed. They're right but as you said, that's not a scam. What is a scam is their shady practice of selling people 4k plans while hiding the fact the paying customer will likely never receive that quality because they don't make it clear on the sign-up page that they've locked that particular functionality behind arbitrary hardware requirements that make no sense and has zero relation to whether or not your internet service package has the bandwidth to provide 4k quality. See here for more details if you'd like.
How does one acquire an invite key? Asking for a friend.
"works" is a strong statement given how they're scamming people.
I've been using a VPN with an account recently. Works fine.
Isn't that rule 33 of Zombieland?
Three? That's fucking insane.
Fair. I'd assumed it was a rough amount for the electricity bill increase for running a home server
Even that cost and arrs aren't strictly necessary. For those who like to binge their shows, most of them get a "complete" version on most good torrent sites once they're done releasing (let's not get started on the cousin-fucking yeehaw lissencephalic level of thinking it takes to release streamed shows weekly). Download those, watch them, preserve what you think you'll rewatch in the future then delete the rest. So long as your machine has a good few terrabytes it'll last some time.
No! I am Spartacus... I mean the leaker!
Via jettison? 🤞🏻