Junior/senior level students know the consequences of cheating. Professor catches students cheating. Students face consequences of cheating.
"BuT tEaChAbLe MomEnT!"
Since individuals aren't 501(c)3 non-profits it wouldnt be tax deductible and is treated by the IRS as a gift, so a gift tax may apply depending on amount given. Just in case you were curious as to why it's not a tax write-off.
How many people actually have showers in their workplace?
Not enough people outside the capital to make it worth it. They have had rail systems built but were later decommissioned. One was built for the building if a harbor but after construction it didn't get much use.
Believe it or not, some uncles actually enjoy spending time with their nieces and nephews, and parents like to have a break from raising their children. It's amazing what can happen when your family is barely functional