And it's frequency of usage is proportional to the amount of code to be reviewed.
Basic functions of HID should still work under windows for the same reason why they work mod-less under Linux. But when those devices are not HID-conform then you would need drivers/a kernel-mod.
Technically cat.
Lutris isn't only for wine. Its also a launcher for Linux native/flatpak games.
We have seen how well the two states solution worked in the last 50 years.
No this one would be anti-zionistic.
Actually there is DRM in the kernel thanks to the HDMI blobs.
What if the deb is from a GitHub repository that matches the MD5 hash?
I mean, Foobar2000 is pretty cool when we only had winamp5 and windows media player, and it was great for huge media libraries. But what the dude showed he used Foobar2000 for... who does constantly convert media files, or reconfigure their media player?
can you name a few (besides root level anticheat riddled games like Valorant/League of Legends)?
Couldn't you install KDE?
Uh. Whatever my distro comes with per default.