As if wordpress would be the only CMS out there.
Okay, 22% is ridiculously high for ELIZA. I feel like any half sober adult could clock it as a bot by the third response, if not immediately.
I did some stuff with Eliza back then. One time I set up an Eliza database full of insults and hooked it up to my AIM account.
It went so well, I had to apologize to a lot of people who thought I was drunken or went crazy.
Eliza wasn't thaaaaat bad.
The turns! They tabled.
I had 2 x spicy once, although I've been warned by the shop owner herself. That was definitely way too hot for me.
Not sure, if a recall is justified though.
Pirate drones incoming.
I also forsee some people will try to reroute them to land / crash at their disired place.
I love Jk43s one. They get to decide. Also I suck deciding things.
Sailor Moonshine Edition
Prompt: "Sailor moon", with beard, drinking booze in a corner of a busy street, new york"
SDXL 1.0 on nightcafe
yeah :)
Mordor once was a different place
Edit: Forgot the prompt:
An orc wearing colourful haut coture on catwalk
Dreamshaper XL Lightning
So there is a chance?