Yeah, this is an option on YouTube.
On Odysee, there's both the option to "Block" channels, or seperately "Mute" channels. You can also manage your blocked and muted channels separately under Profile > Settings > Content Settings > Blocked and muted channels. According to this page in the official Help Hub:
Blocking: "When you block a user, the blocked user can no longer comment on any of your content, channel, or comment threads. In addition to this, all comments and reactions left by the blocked user on your content, channel, or in the comments section, will be filtered for everyone."
Muting: "When you mute a user, you will no longer see them in any comment sections, replies, search results, homepage, related content, or anywhere else. They're hidden from your experience on Odysee."
So basically, if you don't want to see their content (including comments); mute them. If you don't want them to talk to you or be seen in your own channels' comment sections by both yourself or others; block them. If you want absolutely nothing to do with them, you can both block and mute them simultaneously. Note: The article shows how to block/mute them from within the comments section. You can also block/mute them from the channel page itself or by clicking the 3-dots beside their video thumnail.
You cannot say things "uncontrollably" as there is still a community guidelines set of rules that just aren't as strict as YouTube's, plus the ability to report is there too. Despite being a free speech platform, it is still legally required not to host illegal content, and so these community guidelines absolutely must be there. If the comments or videos directly promote violence or hatred (just two examples), they are grounds for removal by site moderators. They are usually only removed when people report them, though, since the moderation team likely isn't very large at this point in time.
In my 2 years with Odysee, I've found one person earlier this year directly promoting extreme violence in a comment section. That's one time too many; but it's still a long time. I reported them, and they were removed. I don't know how long it took for them to remove it though, because I only checked if the comment was still there after a couple of weeks; and it wasn't; so I can't speak for the swiftness of the moderators in their actions yet.