A tan on a skin type that doesn't tan well. Maybe from a tanning bed where you wear eye protection, would explain why that area is so weirdly white.
Thanks for posting, didn't know about that!
To be fair I mainly wanted to jokingly tell the commentator that both china and the us are guilty of this, so I just mentioned a third country that I thought was decent. Thanks for educating :)
Like, the Netherlands or something maybe?
I wouldn't say that's a recent development. Back before I knew anything about privacy and security, I switched from android to apple because I was tired of all the bloat. My 8 gb phone had virtually no space for photos or apps I wanted after 5 years of updates for non deletable apps. That was almost 10 years ago.
Thank you :) hope it makes you happier than it would've made me!
CW assault
Tbh I didn't even think to pause everything to sit him down and explain what it means to be non binary. It became kinda clear from talking that he thought gender=genitals and at that point I kinda wanted out, but he was pushy and persistent and I felt unsafe to tell him about either my gender or wanting to leave. Kinda just froze, idk how else to explain it. And he intentionally stealthed me, too.
Im quite happy without a gender! Couldn't imagine being any other way. So you'd be welcome to it
Are you the one who stole my gender so you could have 2 and I could have none?
I'm afab nb and had a casual encounter with a straight male without explaining my gender. He was shitty about consent and I do take solace in the fact that I queered him without his knowledge.
If I quit uni today and applied for social security and unemployment pay I'd be way better off financially. A friend of mine actually did that for a semester when she was desperate, despite being a keen and interested student. Not being in education or training can be temporarily easier than being in education or training.
If you forget to salt the pasta water, there's no way of making it taste as if you had. And even if the salt dissolves well in the sauce, it won't permeate whatever chunky things there might be in the sauce as if you'd salted a lit bit every step of the way. But yeah, it'll be ok, even if it won't be as good as it would have been. (I know you didn't say it would be the same, just wanted to add).
Wouldn't be the first bilingual EU country.