Us RuneScape vets who quit knew this was coming when they started playing hot potato with Jagex limited. They keep selling it to different companies, now it's owned by a shitty investment company that basically kills off the companies it buys so it owns the IP and doesn't have to keep the games alive. It can then flip the IP for huge amounts of money. But anyway... Both versions of the game are just cash grabs at this point designed to waste the maximum amount of players time
You don't have to pay for it. The billionaires do, and they will do it without hesitation
How's that working for everyone in the USA? How many "riots" or protests have we done that yield nothing?
genAI is currently very stupid, and each new version is having diminishing returns on what the models can provide.
Objectively false statement. You can dislike it (which I do too), but you're totally wrong. AI passed the bar, AI can identify cancer images, AI can do things which very intelligent people can't. Each new version has surpassed the previous, and companies have started layoffs to replace workers with skeleton crews armed with AI models.
The amount that something costs is negligible. When have you ever seen billionaires complain about costs? They can spend 1 million dollars for 1 thousand years straight and still not be broke. They are so spiteful and hateful they will do anything to hurt other people and make them jobless. That's the true meaning of business, too. Billionaires own the business, why do they want more money? It's meaningless. They don't want the money, they just hate people.
Funny, how much hand wringing is going on in the sweaty mainstream media about a guy who merely put down a vicious oligarchy-loving killer. You'd get the impression that media moguls are worried that they're next.
It's a sign of the time that we're living in. When people find joy in the death of others in a society, the quality of living is exceptionally bad. It's reminiscent of Rome too where the last years of their society were filled with chaos
Yo ho ho, There is no sailing on the high seas when we are talking about multiplayer games! Alive service game, it be!
I know how APIs on reddit work, but you can block people who misuse the API if they're doing something nefarious. Some of these AI are in my honest opinion very taxing on hardware. Having to retrieve millions of posts, comments, pictures, text, on demand... and send that to who knows where for AI scraping.... Sounds very costly.
Unfortunately you're a little bit behind on the times. They basically gave up on fighting bots because they know that they pay a subscription and there's no point in getting rid of them if they are a recurring source of revenue, so they quietly stopped fighting back against them and claim that it's not possible to solve the problem when they know exactly what they can do to solve it. Endgame is basically non-existent, it's literally just grinding the same exact bosses infinitely to fill out collection log or get a specific pet. That's the entire end game. They have done nothing to actually make the game more enjoyable and that's kind of a problem for people because if you've already maxed wood cutting and fishing, what's the incentive of doing it again on another account?