Notepad++ ftw
Just having a power outage is enough lol, never mind an attack.
At least they didn't put the fucking power port on the bottom.
You still need to check the hell out of it because AI is wildly unreliable.
They could and sometimes make a relatively small amount of money, but it's more about trying to legally protect their trademarks/intellectual property as I understand it. These days I'd much rather support an indie dev over a shitty "AAA" company for sure, tired of them price gouging people for games that aren't even that good.
Love how the people don't get represented or supported because of corporations and their insatiable greed.
Trickle charging to 80 is going to help protect the battery for longer. Also, never charge it frozen.
That's not really what I mean, I'm talking about leaning far right or left on the political spectrum. I think both of them are based in NA, so it would make sense they're more focused there, just like
Wouldn't put it past them...
Why are people fucking with the Internet Archive? Who benefits?
I enjoyed this game and would recommend it