Well, just a monitoring stack, like for example Grafana, would probably be more suitable for this specific task (if we're doing central hosting/collection).
Kind of my main recommendation is to use something with OpenTelemetry. It's pretty much the standard protocol for transferring logs, traces and metrics, so if you set everything up with that, then you can swap out the visualization software with less pain.
Here's a guide for Grafana + OpenTelemetry Collector: https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/send-data/otel/
also has a feature built-in to filter out lines based on keywords:https://raymii.org/s/snippets/Exclude_lines_in_less_or_journalctl.html#%3A%7E%3Atext=Once+your%2Cterm (skip the first paragraph, past those three links)