It also gets worse every generation as it recursively feeds on the bad data.
I'm glad to know AI can't think of a single thing AI does, although if it thought otherwise I still wouldn't care.
From my perspective, they made an outlandish statement that I vehemently disagreed with, if anything my response was more civil than usual.
EDIT: they not you
Anything you learn from AI has a margin of error that could ruin you.
Thou doth protest too much, whilst instigating in forums.
Lmao, I can think of exactly 2 publishers who do this and they're getting shredded by critics, rn. Security experts think it's a fucking joke for the company and the users alike. Hopefully not "the way the industry is going", more likely to get banned in modern nations, soon.
Ignorance, especially willful, is not only a good definition of stupid but also a form of evil itself.
I'm not in the industry per se, but I wouldn't hire an AI to do art for my games or album covers.
It'd be cool if yall could ask them to remove the rootkit too, but IK the average helldiver player is already too stupid to care about that issue.
I can’t think of a single thing AI does
I don't think the NSA or CIA has ever had any interests in my specific online activity, purely because the manpower is never that well utilized in our world, but in the age of automation that could all change soon.
Right, I'll add an edit. Sometimes discussion aren't meant for the other side, it's for the viewers.