
joined 2 years ago
[–] 42 points 3 months ago (6 children)

If there was a paid service that let me stream shit with the same variety and ease as torrentio then I would pay for it in a heartbeat. But to get almost the same variety I would need to buy every streaming service and even if I did that it would be a pain in the ass to manage every streaming service. The media corps did this to themselves.

[–] 11 points 3 months ago

WTF America, do amo marketplaces really have the same security standards as pornhub ?


[–] 11 points 3 months ago (1 children)

My first dates generally start with coffee then turn into a walk in the park if things are going well. A coffee shop is also just a convient place to meet. But I guess that is also going to depend on city layout.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Federal or state government owns it depending on the park. And the fee is mainly just to pay for maintenance on the parking area. No one is chatging you to go to yellowstone or the grand canyon. They are charging you to park there or use some special service like guides, campgrounds, or picnic areas. Generally speaking though you can just walk onto any national park without paying anything. Yellowstone is a bit of a special case in certain areas because they really don't want people wandering around off trail because they're lible to fall through the ground into a hot spring that will melt their skin off before they get a chance to even scream and then the park rangers need to spend time dredging what little is left of them out of the hot spring. So those areas generally charge people to use the raised wooden trails because of maintenance costs. But at most parks no one is going around checking people for passes. They're only checking vehicles.

Also the costs are very low if you're paying at the park. You can also buy an anual pass to literally every US national park for $80. If you're a senior then you can get a lifetime pass for $80 and an anual pass for $20. There are also all sorts of ways to get those for even more discounted prices.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Some people just come across as flirty. It usually isn't deliberate and if you mistakenly interpret it as flirting that's fine. Just don't get all butthurt about it when it turns out they weren't flirting with you like OP and then it's no harm no foul.

[–] 38 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Coffee is a great first date if you met on a dating app. It's a public location where you can both meet in person for the first time and chat but neither of you is forced to stay if things aren't shaping up how you expected.

But if you already know each other then yeah, coffee isn't much of a date.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You could definitely play diablo 2 with controller with the right maping. The person who first introduced my mom to diablo 2 was actually a paraplegic man she was a home care nurse for. He didn't have enough motion to use keyboard and mouse properly but he did have just enough finger control that he could play by holding the mouse upside down in his hand and rolling the ball of the mouse with his thumb. That's practically a joystick at that point. Apparently he was also pretty damn good.

[–] 34 points 3 months ago

Try talking directly with a surgeon. Doctors can be hesitant about fairly invasive surgeries like that, but surgeons almost always want to cut.

It's a vastly different situation but I had to do something similar for a carpal tunnel release. Doctors danced around the issue for years giving me braces, stretches, and work notes. But one call with an orthopedic surgeon and I was in for a consult within the week and surgery a couple months later.

[–] 13 points 4 months ago

Exactly. Nothing with shared credentials should be directly accessible to someone off site to begin with. Either way things went down they have a security hole you could fly a blimp through. Either they aren't revoking credentials properly or they have eternally facing systems using shared credentials.

[–] 29 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Yeah, the proper time to revoke credentials is before they even know they're getting fired. At all the places I worked, the first sign that someone was getting fired would be that they're suddenly unable to access anything.

[–] 22 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Streamio + torrentio my dude.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (2 children)

They aren't talking about the 404media site.


I like the bit of minty burn and it doesn't feel greasy afterwords like the non-alcohol based ones I've tried.


I've been seeing a lot of users from commenting in various threads (mainly sports) lately. They only caught my attention because they are all flagged as bots and I typically manually block most bots (not all because there are some I like). For every one of them their entire post history consists of 1-2 comments or posts. When I took a look at that instance there is nothing there at all and it also shows no users. The comments look human enough but I guess I wouldn't be surprised to learn that all the comments are LLM generated. Is just someones LLM experiment or is something else going on here?

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