Just call it Floh Market or just Floh. Flow Market or Just "Flow" would be good too.
You guys all downloaded offline versions of Wikipedia...right?
Could do something like discord. Rather than communities, you have "micro instances" existing on top of the larger instance, and communities existing within the micro instances. And of course make it so that making micro instances are easier to create.
Wouldn't we have to terraform that shit too? We can probably send a probe out there or some shit, maybe the "Breakthrough Starshot" concept would be able to do it in a few hundred years or some shit
I mean acid and a few other psychedelics are ok. Meth abuse is harmful for sure, same for many opioids except when used in a medical setting or if you actually need them.
Improper education leads to other, harder drugs. See DARE
Deny that you know or even saw them. Defend them if they do get caught, through protest, fundraising, bail, etc. Depose those who put them in jail if they are sentenced.
Quick! Create an instance called Lemmy.eXodus!
I wonder if they're on here too?
I mean...bro was just giving an opinion man. He didn't even really say that much originally. I think claiming the "superiority" of something online alot of the times is vibes based. That ain't necessarily bad though. Are people not allowed to give more generalized or vague opinions?
Is it really that complex? The API fiasco had me moving here, and I'll tell you right now, I ain't the tech savviest.