Rezoned to what and how?
Oh, so you're a vatink...
Edit: Vatink edited the entire post.
Yep, usually titanium. Also because Iron would corrode in the body.
Maybe they go after all Christian books ,you know the ones praising the glory of Yahweh, which is just a semitic war god (if you pay attention to history).
Whats their position? We want your land so we are going to kill you for it?
Just read through the comments. They do a good job at answering your questions.
Other places have gone after the bible where laws like this are in place.
Don't know, but one of them decided that lobotomys were a step to far for them to combat communism.
Dude, pay attention.
Road salt is NaCl but it's much more coarse than the salt you would put in a grinder for food. They also don't make sure the rocks are out of it if it is mined rather than taken from the sea. Transported in trucks that may not have been cleaned. So safe for consumption? Not likely. But it is just NaCl.
Quebecquois is a horrible dialect that should be forcibly erased.