I live in this constant war and it very much feels like I am losing. Desperate times - desperate measures
Neither do I, but I am willing to make sacrifices.
I pick guillotining the rich as my one thing
Software nowadays is a lot more complex. You'd get nowhere using assembly. Are you also gonna call me lazy if I say making a smartphone from scratch is complicated? "But the Nokia 1234 only had 4kb of memory" Is what you will probably say.
I'm cool with Facebook dying. Hell, I would rather have YouTube die than pay for premium. We can rebuild a better www from the ashes.
Nah. We won't make it unless a lot of people start to be cool with cutting back a lot. Plane rides, cars, meat consumption, the list goes on. And that just ain't happening. Also fascism is on the rise.
SKT would never.
So that's why they are last place and why SKT is just better.
Your mistake was using a MS account for your windows install
Maybe it's just like a shit car? I'm no carologist tho
I feel like if you know how to look up the answer and can follow a guide to apply 5 steps, you are probably more capable than 80% of the people on this planet.
That's the same in any other developed nation, just not the one that affects us all globally the most. Fuck's sake