1 out of 2 is good
Cool if I can buy this one steam and play it on linux... otherwise sad time because I love me onimusha
Of course they are, both CEOs where there on the front row during his swearing or as I call it "welcome to the final chapter"
Anonymous, if you are going to do it, PLEASE make sure to leave the innocent people alone and go after the rich assholes that are doing this.
Other than that, here's my axe, go wild
I feel so ashamed to be american. I swear everyone, I tried to stop this orange twat from becoming elected.
I'm a simple man.
I see reddit, I downvote.
Starfield is in the list, and that automatically disqualies this entire article, IMO
Discover and chase have entered the chat as well
I will actually go ahead and belive that when they did notice this they thought it was to steal their source code and stopped it, but once they figured out it wasn't they sent it to marketing to make them look good, like they meant to protect their customers or something.
Because it's the only way for me to change the color of my rgb keyboard /jk but it's true tho