Make one with a gunstaff that's still in Texas plz
Not sure but Biden certainly did
Snort might actually be a good real world application that stands to benefit from ML, so for security there's some sort of hopefulness.
It isn't exactly that we think everyone is evil, we just doubt that anyone with profits in mind is doing much, or any, good for humanity.
Most reasonable Americans, and the larger worldwide Culinary Arts groups would prefer to wait a day and get them on sale so we can make fresh croutons; if you ever wonder why there's a discount rack that's always near empty in your local bakery, it's probably someone buying out the day old lot for the afforementioned croutons or something like crostini for some kind of appetizer dish.
Doesn't Vivaldi have built-in blockers?
*Not available in Iran
The Switch runs a custom version of Android, so they technically know at least one form of Linux
Like when someone farts in a conservative household, for all you conservative readers
Chainalysis is a cryptocurrency/blockchain investigation software, I at least know that much.