It takes some fiddling, but I've been using HDR on Linux since Plasma 6 came out. If you don't have an AMD GPU it would probably be really difficult to set up though.
This is a 4Chan user
Yes, every video you download or stream is actually compressed quite a lot, the bitrate just determines how much compression is applied. Higher bitrate means the file is bigger and less compression is done, while low bitrate means the video has a lot less bits to store all that data and so has to do more compression.
I use Geddit occasionally, I don't know if it supports voting or commenting though since I just browse.
Gamescope generally helps with alt+tab issues.
How is Backpack Hero by the way? I played the demo years ago and liked it but haven't bought the actual game yet.
Sounds kinda like NixOS, although that's not platform-agnostic.
I believe Syncthing isn't on iOS.
On System Settings’ Night Light page, the time input fields for manual time mode are no longer a nightmare, because they’ve been replaced with a set of spinboxes (Natalie Clarius, Plasma 6.1)
Oh thank goodness, that page has always felt a bit weird.
Switched like a year ago or so, not really any difference on my AMD pc and Intel laptop. Now I need wayland for HDR on Plasma 6 so there's no way I could go back personally, as well as the great multi-monitor and fractional scaling handling.
There's browser extensions for it
Is Chrome's ad telemetry opt-in?