I really like this idea, although knowing Kodak and looking at their olders products in the 00's they would try to make an ergonomic product, but in a very specefic way to them. Kind of the Xperia route
Holy crap, there is actually a market of 4k video doorbells, why do you need so much pixels for a doorbell 😭 ain't 2k good enough or even 1080p
Tupperware also is in the same position as Pyrex right mow
I would expect the same to be honest, with a focus on a 300~500$ Phone market
That would be a cool product to be made
You are right, it is partially incorrect. If they wanted to become as big as they where before by selling a new product with their image, what would you await from them
God is Excel good, and I feel like I've barely touched the VBA part making buttons for my colleagues to get to certain parts of the Excel instantly. It runs well, and gets so much information out in a unique way, Speinkled with functions that run well . And it runs quite fast for something that can do so much
I'd say it's the task you do on it you dislike, not the program
An Asus UX550GE, tbh with time my usage of a laptop has diminished, that's it's still enough today too
Well this was a read of it's kind
Only reason I didn't switch yet was that my 6 years old Laptop still holds perfectly well and it would be counter productive to just change to a new device for no reason but the brand and that it is new
Checked but couldn't find it yet
Talking about that, can Lemmy users now check Mastodon ? I'd be curious to try it out although I don't know who to follow really
Like a Fancy GoPro with an alternative usebase?