I cannot believe it!!!
Looks more like the number of cars will stay the same-ish, but now there won't be a taxi driver making a living of it.
researchers found that in the wake of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov and charges against leaders of the so-called Terrorgram Collective, dozens of extremist groups have moved to the app SimpleX Chat in recent weeks over fears that Telegram’s privacy policies expose them to being arrested.”
So he did NFTs and his own coin, but where's his Metaverse tho? His grifting is lacking.
Universal Basic Income
Oh shit, you are right. I can't keep up with all these snake oil sellers.
~~Check out Coffeezila's video on them, the whole things shady AF, in addition of being shitty.~~
Don't forget to send her the Steam Cards, who knew she is such an avid gamer.
Dude's quadriplegic, can't fault him for giving it a go.
At first I was like "oh, at least Neuralink is being open about this since they reported it on their blog...", reading further it's pointed out The Journal reported this first, and Neuralink made the blog post for damage control.
For his next stream, dude's gonna rat out the location of every drug dealer around his house.