Hold on to your butts, there's a wave of dipshits on their way to say "BuT a CoNsOlE iS sPeCiFiCalLy MaDe To PlAy ThEsE gAmEs!1!1!"
joined 3 months ago
Being original is hard.
Also it's a fucking console in a universe where PCs exist.
Those are probably all for him. 34...
Why would anybody buy a switch when you can have a Steam Deck? It is better in every conceivable way.
Regardless of genre, if your game is single player but doesn't allow me to pause when I have a distraction arise, then I likely won't choose to play it over another game that I can pause whenever I want to sneeze or whatever.
Not with that attitude.
Seems like a lot of devs don't play their own games.
Not quite done? Slap an early access sticker on that bitch and move on to the next title.
As per usual, fuck nintendo.