It's literally that xkcd geologist cartoon, where they think the average person knows the chemical formula for feltzbar and quartz. Everyone vastly overestimates the average person's knowledge level for areas they themselves already understand.
There's only one solution for the US. The world's fastest bullet train network. Anything less will not do.
The micro SD is 4 TB. Only the full sized SD is 8.
He almost certainly tested the very few modern handguns known to have that problem, for which they rightly got a lot of hate. You'd have to link the specific video, I don't watch GT.
There's loads of people who have no idea how guns work. It's somewhat specialized knowledge.
I have absolutely no doubt he pulled the trigger when he fell. Only certain types of mechanisms can stop the gun from firing when you pull the trigger, and there's reasons to not want that mechanism on your gun.
It's pretty tough to say without looking at comparable recall rates for other companies. My Toyota Corolla had two recalls that I know about while I owned it, and Toyota is known for their reliability. Tesla is just always in the news because they're always in the news.
Booting from a full power off state?
I agree with you, and I never delete what I post unless it was straight-up a glitch or a typo or something. But, I still think other people should have that option if they want it.
Nah, people should be able to take back what they said. No humans in all of history had to account for every thing thing they ever said. Better to let the past be forgotten. Can that be abused? Sure. But I think there's value in letting people realize what they said was bad and take it down.
Watch Active Self Protection and you will find piles examples where a quick draw is necessary with no time to rack the slide.