AI will. LLM won't.
Bitcoins are there, aren't they?
It was easy litmus for bots, nothing more.
What happened at Tiananmen square?
But what about "sava"?
With what bandwidth though?
Top of the line graphic cards still cannot max out the latest games at 4k60, how can they achieve 8k?
Top graphic cards will always be catching up to the latest games. Software is developing much much quicker than hardware.
Resolutions higher than fullHD are useful not only for TV in front of your sofa. You need 8k (and even higher) to VR-helmets. Also there already are cinemas with giant displays instead of projectors. Don't be a retrograde.
There are on premise LLMs
Rhyming is a mnemonic device
Rhyming has other purposes: creation of additional sonic rhythm and restricting of words usage - for making matter more distinct and interesting (as rules do for any game).
Isn't that the point of capitalism?