Now that would be a real challenge!
My wife is an embroiderer, so I actually like the idea, thanks!
Welp, here goes my confidence in wearing an eye patch. And yeah, I don't have one eye and for the longest time think that it'd be cool to wear one.
Can I pay them 90 for that? It definitely deserves it.
What a wise man! Is it thanks to him that I can now easily play Starfield on my PS5 while waiting for Helldivers 2 patches?
I know it's a small and unimportant thing, but it's still kinda annoying that some authors (editors?) choose a phone with a giant black hole in the middle of a screen to show something on thumbnails.
I love buying stuff for free!
Hey there former colleague!
I like the taste of onions, but I hate the structure of them cooked. EDIT: and yeah, I am pretty boring.
When they're both doing it, there is some kind of a fucked-up competition at least.
But it is wrong, worms don't think!
Trying to explain the exact same thing to my parents. Challenge: impossible.