Because its their fault there are un-patchable vunerabilities in the Switch's hardware, yessiree. ๐
Where does this imply that I downvoted anything for the reasons you mentioned? There were maybe five or six comments prior to my own, and I downvoted all of them besides OPs(which I did upvote, tyvm - funny how that didn't work out to you noticing).
Less spammy than "trying to set the record straight" by correcting them all, nevermind that, as I stated, I don't have a better solution anyways, but again, yes, I also up-voted the one-or-two comments that had anything to do with OPs problem, both clarifications by OP themselves.
I've also up-voted other comments since, but there have been none talking about Ribbons and Tabs since, at least. Almost like what visibility my own comment got served its purpose.
Things don't have to be positive to work. Sometimes Loud Garbage can slow the buildup of even-more-useless-if-well-meaning garbage. Well-intentioned, useless, basically-un-true-in-context things only pass one of Socrates criteria, btw.
Thus, that last line in my comment. My frustration in this case is just sooo much more to do with the issue than with comments.
Partially implimented system theme. Comments: oP MuSt wAnT It tO LoOk lIkE MiCrOsOfT!
The only one who so-far realized the theming is the problem suggested a quick fix that will likely leave this issue cropping up again in other applications.
Me: down-votes comments because I WANT there to be a better answer, not because I know one. Happy Monday, people!
Sure, if that's your level of thought and reading comprehension, let's say you've got it. Is it really so hard to understand the notion that what works for you doesn't work for me, but I'm okay with you doing whatever?
Keep practicing, kid.
Your life isn't my life, and restoring backups is no less a hassle just for having them(personally, I backup files, and either fix what I break or do a clean install). Auto-complete also makes me lose my train of thought, but if its helpful to you, enjoy.
The article is not written for them.
Someone didn't read the article...
Reason's I never use auto-complete in the terminal. Sadly, that's sometimes not enough.
What about my comment implied I didn't realize that? Anyways, Raktajino was also consumed a lot on Voyager. Its strange that Quark focused on Root Beer in light of all the other stuff people drink, other than, hey, this is the only carbonated thing they drink that's not caffinated or alcoholic ... but that wouldn't be true either?
He did say "Starfleet" drink a lot of it, not "humans", so maybe it is just that pupular with Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerites, etc.
I'm still smarting from the betrayal that is Diet Barq's
Hospital shares as much of the blame as Google, Discord or Reddit. Amazing how Nintendo is engaging in these shenanigans on the verge of a new console release, when they almost certainly could have fixed these issues with a low-effort hardware refresh years ago.